Shaping stories that need to be told

We believe storytelling can change the world. Through film, we have the opportunity to reach a vast audience and really invoke change. With today’s insatiable appetite for video content, the search for great stories seems more important than ever. And that’s why we work day and night to bring these stories to audiences worldwide.

Wether it’s commissioned or our original work, it’s discovering the relatable and impactful story in every project that takes it from finished to unforgettable.



Telling stories by listening

Finding the right story starts with listening. Listening to our client, to an audience, to trends in the industry. We want to get a full grasp of what’s happening in your business. All this information will be used as a frame in our creative process, from script to finish.

Creative thinking

Cracking the creative code

Our team consists of highly talented producers, directors, DoP’s and editors who will not stop working on a story until it’s perfect. We love to turn briefings on their heads and come up with new insights that will make our films better. And better. And better…


Focusing on
true results

While we won’t let creative boundaries stop us, it’s important we always stay focused on the end result. After publication, we take our time to analyse what worked and what didn’t, so we can continuously improve our work and optimise through future projects.


Bas Goossens


Founder of Ministry of Frames and director. Since my first film project over 10 years ago, I’ve developed a deep interest in both the technical and creative side of film. In my mind, the films we make should look beautiful and be creative in the classical sense, but should also achieve a predefined goal. As film makers we should ask ourselves: what is it that we want to get out of a project? How do we tell the most interesting story? In my free time, I like to cook, read, watch a ton of movies and play with my dog.

Lieve Claessens


Producer of Ministry of Frames. Making a real difference in film is such an interesting challenge. It takes great creativity, skill and organisation to come up with a film that succeeds. I love that about producing: you’re at the helm of this great creative family with a common goal: making a film that will have a true impact on its audience.